Three of the Four Imams in a Rare Hadeeth Narration
All three of these Imams were major scholars of Hadeeth, Fiqh (Islamic Law), and other Islamic topics. It should be noted that the word, musnad, shares the same root word as, isnad
All three of these Imams were major scholars of Hadeeth, Fiqh (Islamic Law), and other Islamic topics. It should be noted that the word, musnad, shares the same root word as, isnad
Allah, Who created Ibrahim (Abraham) stated that, {Ibrâhîm (Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanîfa (Islâmic Monotheism — to worship none but Allâh Alone) and he was not of AlMushrikûn (polytheists)} (3:67).
How can a transvestite and a man who seems to yearn to be a woman mock Prophet Muhammad? Aishah, the Prophet’s young, beloved wife, says this about her and her husband, Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, “I was with him fee (under) mirt-in wa`hid (one mirt)”
The Pledge of Respect and Cooperation, “Recogniz[es] that the specter of sectarianism threatens to further weaken and debilitate our struggling Muslim community at this critical time in human affairs.”
American Giants of `Ilm (Knowledge) “Yasir Qadhi, a resident scholar at a mosque in Tennessee, also described himself as unable to comprehend ‘the sheer inhumanity’
American Giants of `Ilm (Knowledge) YQ: “I believe Shi’ites have incorrect beliefs and a misguided theology … I pray that Allah guides them to the
“The term Salafi is not a Quranic or Islamic term. It is not found in the Hadeeth. It is a term that has its good and bad. Because the term is something we are not obliged to use. Because the term has been associated with lots of things that are negative … terrorism, mistreatment, bombings and harshness and what not … the term is not holy.
“I am a Sunni, and firmly believe that all of the Companions of the Prophet (SAW) are righteous people. Anyone who slanders them insults the Messenger (SAW) himself.”
Jalal Abualrub says: the term, Salaf, was established by the Prophet Muhammad himself, when he, Allah’s blessings and mercy on him, described himself to his honorable daughter, Fatimah, as being the best ‘Salaf’ for her, by saying, “Fa-inni ni`ma As-Salafu ana laki” (Bukhari, and, Muslim)
“But the concept of following the Salaf … the concept of considering the Sahabah, the Tabi’un and the Tabi` Tabi’un to be the best generations (of Muslims) … this is something that I firmly believe is a Fundamental Part of our Religion … And the theology that comes from them … of Allah’s Names and Attributes, and of Qadar, and of Eman … I have studied Islamic Theology. This is my expertise.
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