Which Should Come First, Ka`bah or Trinity?

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Jalal Abualrub

An Arab evangelist has a problem: why didn’t Prophet Moses talk about the Ka`bah and the Black Stone? He may not have heard the news distributed by a number of major Bible scholars that in fact, Moses did not write any part of the five books in the Old Testament attributed to him, especially where this sentence exists, “Although Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died, his eye was not dim, nor his vigor abated.” (Deuteronomy 34:7). How was Moses able to write this sentence; after he died?

There are several ‘let alone’ statements to add here, such as about the fact that Jews and Christians have absolutely no access to even one sentence of the original Torah written in its original language; let alone the fact that many Bible scholars agree that the Bible has been corrupted, changed, and amended; let alone the fact that the Jews rewrote the Torah and other holybooks with their own hands when they were captives in Babylon, that is, after Nebukhadhnasser burned all copies of the Torah –so the Jews would naturally remove any mention of the Ka`bah; let alone that no one before Jesus, including Jesus himself, ever heard of the fantastic lies Paul created and Christians now believe in, and so forth.

All these ‘let-alones,’ yet the evangelist asks, “Since Musa spoke to Allah on a daily basis for forty years, why did not Moses mention Al-Ka`bah and the Black Stone?”

Here is a better question. Since the evangelist decided that Prophet Musa (Moses) had daily talks with Allah for forty long years (where is the ‘authentic’ proof?), then why didn’t Allah tell Moses about: 1) Original Sin; 2) Jesus being His only eternal begotten son; 3) the necessity of worshipping Jesus; 4) the Holy Ghost being a part of the Triune Council; 5) how to count three as one and one as three; 6) the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection of Jesus; 7) Allah having Jesus killed so Christians can sin as much as they wish then claim that Jesus died for their sins; 8) any other part of the Christian creed they believe in today? 

Why didn’t Allah (‘God’) say any of these things to any prophet He sent before Jesus, including the prophet who was a contemporary of Jesus, John? Since to Christians, Jesus is God Himself, why did, The Prince of Peace, order the killing of infants and sucklings, and asses (there seems to be a problem between the Bible and asses, it often orders the Jews to kill asses wherever they can catch them)?

These are the questions the Arab evangelist and all other Christians have to ask themselves, instead of busying themselves about why the current copy of the Torah, as corrupted by the Jews as it is, didn’t mention the holy place of the Arabs.

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