Project for the English Translation of
Ibn Taimiyyah's Book:

Iqtidhaau As-Sirati Al-Mustaqeemi
li-Mukhalafati As`habi Al-Ja`heem

(The Straight Path Necessitates Defying People of the Hellfire)

Why this 13th century book is relevant for this 21st century

This Book lists numerous Quran & Sunnah details clarifying Islam’s path in contrast to all other paths; guides Muslims towards applying the Straight Path in any timeframe & wherever they may live; clarifies the Manhaj (way) of Islam in aspects of life and religion towards preserving the Muslim’s special identity.


Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah

His books are strikingly relevant to our time, as if he is living with us today and observing the challenges Muslims face all around them. How can a book written in the 13th century be relevant for the 21st century?

Explaining Terms

Mentioned within

Providing Proofs

Where necessary

Ayat & Hadeeths

in Arabi & English


of personalities


between Islam and Kufr

It is the 2000's. It is also the 1200's.

Path of the Quran & Sunnah is divine, from Allah, for all times; the essence of Islamic path and kafir path remain the same and distinct from each other; Muslims need this book today.

Translation Plan

Explaining all terms; providing proof where needed; quoting full texts of ayat & hadeeths in Arabi & English; biographies of noted people mentioned within; comparing today’s challenges, such as Christmas & Halloween, to past challenges faced by Muslims.

Time Needed

4 months


USD $8,000 for translating, editing, designing, & advertising.

Printing Costs

Will be announced in due time, Allah willing.

Shaykh Jalal Abualrub

Author & translator of dozens of Islamic books, including translating a half of, Tafseer Ibn Katheer.

Tafseer As-Sa'di

2 Volumes in print


Dawah booklets on Islam

Vols 1-4

Ibn Al-Qayyim’s, Zad-ul Ma`ad

Translations Include

Currently translating, Tafsir As-Sa`di, by Imam Abdul Rahman Ibn Nasir As-Sa’di: two volumes are in print, eight more to come, in shaa Allah.

Zad-ul Ma`ad

by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

Innovation, and its Evil Effects

by Sali’h Al-Fozan

Explaining the Pillars of Iman

by Mohammad Al-Uthaymeen

Kitab Al-Ikhlas

by Husain Al-Awaysha

The Seerah of the Prophet

by Al-Mubarakpuri

Iqtidhaau As-Sirati Al-Mustaqeemi li-Mukhalafati As`habi Al-Ja`heem

The Straight Path Necessitates Defying People of the Hellfire

Support the translation of this very essential book to help eliminate widespread ignorance of the Qur'an and Sunnah and confront today's realities: prevalent bid’ah (religious innovations); non-Muslim groups living among Muslims fighting Islam & Muslims; military, economic & industrial irrelevance; dominance by kafir non-Muslim powers; imitating kafir societies in religion, dealings, culture, customs, clothes, and celebrations.