Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab PDF

Madinah Publishers and Distributors
Author: Jalal Abualrub
Editor: Alaa Mencke

Often Asked Questions Answered in This Book
• Who was Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab and what was his Mission?
• What do these terms mean: Salafiyyah, Salafis, Wahhabiyyah, Wahhabis?
• Who used these terms and why?
• Why did Wahhabis start Jihad against their fellow Muslims?
• Is Wahhabiyyah a new, misguided sect?
• Was, ‘ Wahhabiyyah’, a reformist movement, or a new creed intent on destroying Islam?
• Included are Western comments and opinions regarding Wahabis and Salafis.

The answer to these and many other questions can be found in a new, extensively researched biography and explanation of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’s mission. This is an important
research that contains quotes from many Western and Eastern writers and historians about a movement that presently evokes a variety of emotions in those who hear about it. To find the
truth about, ‘Wahhabis’, read this book.


Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab PDF

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