Islamic Monotheism vs. Trinity PDF

This is a discussion between Jalal Abualrub and an evangelist on the core beliefs in
Christianity and Islam, especially the difference between Trinity and Tau’heed, Allah’s Islamic
Monotheism. There are many interesting topics inside. Visit the book. 112 Pages
Islamic Kalimah vs. Christian Kalimah; The First Commandment According to Jesus; Prophet
Muhammd ’s Sunnah; Many Literal Words of God; Allah’s 99 Names; Shi`a vs. Mormons; Pure
Monotheism; Why Not Adam, Heaven and Earth; ‘Ego Eimi’; Aramaic and Arabi Bibles;

Western Encyclopedias and the Bible on Trinity; God and the Holy Ghost Disappear; Perfect-
Harmony vs. Individualism; God’s ‘Love’ for Creation; Changing God; Creed vs. Law;

Christians and the Law of Moses; Reinventing Religion; God as a Community; God’s Eternal
Essence; Love Only Comes in Threes; God Needs Creation?; The More Gods the Better the Love
Shared Between Them!; Does God Feel Lonely; Is God Aware of Himself; Do Muslims Worship
Two Gods; Is Human Speech a Separate Entity; Is God a ‘Despot’; “I Am Now as Before a
Catholic and Will Always Remain So”; Multiple Gods vs. Cosmic Order; Number of Islamic
Sects; Did Muhammad Contradict the Quran.


Islamic Monotheism vs. Trinity PDF

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