Imam Al-Albani on Jar`h and Ta`deel
Al-Asalah Magazine, Issue number 18 Unknown Translator Question: Are there any differences between (1) the disputes that take place between Ahl-us-Sunnah themselves and (2) the
Al-Asalah Magazine, Issue number 18 Unknown Translator Question: Are there any differences between (1) the disputes that take place between Ahl-us-Sunnah themselves and (2) the
Imam Ibn Taimiyyah explains, “No teacher should take an oath of allegiance from his students to agree to everything he says, to be friends of
Criticism of Islam and everything Islamic is popular these days. One would think that the critics wouldbecome bored with, or at least distracted from doing
100 Years of Palestinian Holocaust in Palestine This is the longest ongoing holocaust in modern times. It is not the one where Christian Europe tried
By Allah’s will, we will soon start a dawah trip, driving from Saint Louis, Missouri, to New York City. Allahwilling, we will stop on the
The shooter is just a white teenager, confused, mentally ill. He needs rest at a medical facility to treat his condition. Death penalty? No. What
Download Eid Salah from Zad Eid Mubarak! Be sure to download the free booklet on The Eid Prayer. Download it here.
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Who have little faith and confidence in Islam’s creed, statements, and practices, and in Islam’s ability to explain its creed, statements, and practices without outside influence;
Who have knowledge in the Quran and Sunnah and the way of the generation that received, practiced, and accurately transmitted the Quran and Sunnah;
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