Muslims: tens of independent countries; widespread ignorance in the Quran & Sunnah; dozens of religious sects; prevalent bid’ah (religious innovations); non-Muslim groups living among Muslims fighting Islam & Muslims; military, economic & industrial irrelevance; dominance by kafir non-Muslim powers; imitating kafir societies in religion, dealings, culture, customs, clothes, and celebrations.
It is the 2000s. It is also the 1200s.
Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah: His books are strikingly relevant to our time, as if he is living with us today and observing the challenges Muslims face all around them. How can a book written in the 13th century be relevant for the 21st century?
This Book lists numerous Quran & Sunnah details clarifying Islam’s path in contrast to all other paths; guides Muslims towards applying the Straight Path in any timeframe & wherever they may live; clarifies the Manhaj (way) of Islam in aspects of life and religion towards preserving the Muslim’s special identity.
Relevance: Path of the Quran & Sunnah is divine, from Allah, for all times; the essence of Islamic path and kafir path remain the same and distinct from each other; Muslims need this book today.
Translation Plan: Explaining all terms; providing proof where needed; quoting full texts of ayat & hadeeths in Arabi & English; biographies of noted people mentioned within; comparing today’s challenges, such as Christmas & Halloween, to past challenges faced by Muslims.
Time Needed: 4 months.
Budget: US$8,000 for translating, editing, designing, & advertising.
Printing Costs: Will be announced in due time, Allah willing.
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