Bring out Your Cows for Inspection
Bring out Your Cows Bring out Your Cows for Inspection or We’ll Submachine-Gun them! Jalal Abualrub Why do meat inspectors of the United States Department
Bring out Your Cows Bring out Your Cows for Inspection or We’ll Submachine-Gun them! Jalal Abualrub Why do meat inspectors of the United States Department
Beheading of James Foley Why Beheading of James Foley is worse than Killing 500 Gaza Children Jalal Abualrub James Foley was beheaded: How many times
Anti-Semitism has become the new buzz word again. This is due in part to the attack made by French men at a magazine office and a kosher deli in France, by the new ‘holiday’ of Holocaust Remembrance Day, on January 27th, and the rise in aggression in the Middle East. While this new buzz word is circulating everywhere
Question: Are there any differences between (1) the disputes that take place between Ahl-us-Sunnah themselves and (2) the talk (criticism) that is directed from a person of Ahl-us-Sunnah to an innovator? And what are they?
In previous articles, we explained the terms, Salaf, Salafiyyah, Salafis, and mentioned indisputable proofs and evidences that clearly establish the necessity of following the Quran and Sunnah, but only according to the way of the Salaf
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